Monday, March 12, 2007

Final Class Quiz!

This quarter really flew by! Tomorrow is our last class, and as I emailed you earlier, I recommend that you look through the class handouts (posted here on the blog) and also the LIBY 1210 delicious links, which are neatly tagged by topic and week:

Your exam will consist of 20 questions worth half a point each, for a total of 10 points.

Things to review:

1. Library of Congress call numbers and subject headings (what they are & how they work--you don't need to know what specific call numbers mean)

2. APA format (general rules)

3. Characteristics of scholarly books and journals

4. Search engines & Databases (how to use them and when)

5. Tags vs. Subject Headings

6. Boolean Operators (AND, OR & NOT)

7. Web Site Evaluation

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